Staff - Ext. 3622
Guadalupe Hernandez - Office Secretary
Quintilia Leal - Attendance Clerk
Holly VanDuzer - School Psychologist
Carrie Henderson - School Counselor
Felisa Guerrica - Outreach Consultant
Kate Uebner - Literacy Coach
Joyce Conejo - EL Facilitator
Rosa Hernandez - EL Facilitator
Rachel Valencia - PBIS Facilitator
Rhonda Langley - Health Aide
Mayra Lopez - Health Aide
Principal Introduction

Cedar Lane seeks to create a learning community for all students and staff where relationships are built on equality, respect, and collaboration. This ensures that students can achieve their maximum potential in a safe and positive environment in order to become responsible, productive members of society prepared to pursue college and career pathways.
Welcome to Cedar Lane Elementary School
On behalf of our Wildcat faculty, staff, and administration at Cedar Lane Elementary School, welcome to Cedar Lane Elementary. At Cedar Lane, we believe in serving our community and supporting students in realizing their full academic, social, and emotional potential. We also believe that the richness of our students' native languages and cultures are an asset to our diverse school community.
We are proud to announce that we have been selected to implement the Early Literacy Support Block Grant. As ELSB recipients, we will increase our knowledge and focus on reading and writing instruction for our students. This award reflects our desire to continue to deliver a quality education through first best instructional practices and targeted intervention for all students.
What makes our school so special are the people who work here every day. This includes our excellent teachers, administrators, secretaries, paraeducators, support staff, custodians, and of course our amazing students. Our PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) foundation promotes a safe, caring school culture, a campus that is committed to meet the needs of all students and maintains personal connections with our families.
Thank you for visiting our website. We look forward to getting to know you and your family throughout the school year. Please contact us regarding any questions that you may have.
Wildcats are Proud To Be
Kind ➵ Safe ➵ Responsible ➵ Prepared
Please contact us regarding any questions that you may have.
Rebecca Evers, Principal (530) 741-6112 ext. 3604
Nathan Allen, Assistant Principal (530) 741-6112 ext. 3605